School Uniform
Both the staff and Governors are in support of a uniformed dress code guided by the principles in our Uniform Policy. We believe this helps create a strong sense of identity for the school. It may also stop children competing in the “fashion stakes”, as well as proving cheaper to families in the long run. We strongly recommend and request that all children come to school in the correct uniform.
Our school uniform;
- Red zip-up fleece or jacket.
- Red sweatshirt (ideally with school logo on).
- Red or white Polo shirt.
- Grey or black trousers – no ripped or patterned denim.
- Black or grey tailored shorts for boys.
- Black leggings can be worn but the prefered options is trousers.
- Grey or black skirt.
- Grey pinafore / red checked dress.
- Black head scarf for girls (where required).
- Black or dark coloured, flat sensible, safe, shoes.
- Black or grey socks for boys.
- White socks / red or black tights for girls.
PE Kit
- White polo shirt or white t-shirt.
- Plain black shorts or tracksuit / jogger bottoms for outdoor and winter.
- Trainers for outdoor games only – these may be worn during breaks and lunch.
- Plimsolls for indoor PE – this is for health and safety reasons.
Jewellery, make-up and watches
We ask that other than stud earings no jewellery (e.g. rings, bracelets, necklaces) be worn to school. This is due to health and safety but also to protect these items from loss, damage and theft. Children may wear a watch to school but ask that these not be high-value smart watches (e.g. Apple I-Watch). School is not able to accept responsibility for any items brought into school should they be damaged, lost or stolen. We also ask that make-up not be worn in school.
Ordering school uniform
School use Pinders for our branded uniforms and are looking into a slight change in the design of these (including the school badge). #
As we know children often take off jumpers and these can be misplaced, we recommend using name labels to help them quickly identify their uniform.